Заносан шарм,темперамент и јединствен нагласак,симбол су људи који живе у њему.
Лесковац је смештен у веома плодној Лесковачкој котлини у којој се гаји најбоље поврће у Србији.
Окружен прелепим планинама: Чемерник,Кукавица,Радан и Сува планина,близина Власинског језера требало би да су довољни природни ресурси за развој неких грана привреде као што је: туризам,пољопривреда,виноградарство...међутим заборав државе и недовољна ангажованост људи допринела је заостајању ове прелепе општине.
Leskovac and surrounding has about 144 settlings and 170'000 people. Earlier it was known as the "Serbian Manchester" as the textile industry was very prosperous in Leskovac, now the economy is so weak that its among the poorest municipalities of Serbia, from where people escape to other cities to look for work, for money and a better life.
However the symbol of the city are friendly, lively and cheerful people.
And also the Leskovac basin has one of the most fertile soil from where some of the best vegetables of Serbia come from.
The city is surrounded by very beautiful mountains : Cemernik, Kukavica, Radan, and Suva Planina (the dry mountain) and is in the ver near of Vlasinsko Lake, and this good sides are a good potential for: Tourism, Agriculture and vinery. But the combination of negligence by the country and not enough engagement of the people don't take really advantage of these benefits.
On the Hisar Hill are the oldest signs of a settling that go back 2000 years.
On this hill, that you can only reach by 4-wheel drive you can appreciate the most wonderful view over the city.
The monument for the bold Leskovacian fallen from WW I
Црква Оџаклија
Odzaklija Church
Црква Оџаклија
Odzaklija Church
Шоп Ђокићева кућа у Српско-Балканском стилу
Sop Djokic's house in Serbian-balkan style
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